Nous avons ensuite gagne la cote Ouest, plus balneaire, ou le decor nous a enchantes. Des kilometres de lave noire (heritage des ires de la deesse Pele !), qui se terminent par des ilots de palmiers bordant des plages aux eaux turquoises.
Apres la decouverte (sportive !) du monument de notre heros le Capitaine Cook, nous avons profite de la plongee-masque-tuba, du body board, des tortues (toujours et encore !), des petits dej sur notre super terrasse....
On vous la conseille, cette Grande Ile !
We are just coming back from a great week in Hawaii, on the Big Island.
We started by the East side of the island, around the volcano, where we spent some time hiking the lava, and discovering amazing landscapes. We also swam in an amazing hot pool along the beach on the South Coast, before visiting Hilo.
We started by the East side of the island, around the volcano, where we spent some time hiking the lava, and discovering amazing landscapes. We also swam in an amazing hot pool along the beach on the South Coast, before visiting Hilo.
We spent the second half of the week on the West side, in the Kohala area, where the most beautiful beaches are. Great hiking-snorkeling- bodyboarding, for all the family. And we also went to the place where Captain Cook was killed (by the hawaians !), which for us, after our australian adventures, was quite an event ...
If you have one week, go for it !
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