Incroyable : il n'y a toujours pas de neige en Californie cette annee (alors que nous avions 3 m a la meme epoque l'an passe !).

Nous avons quand meme profite de la neige artificielle de Northstar (plutot pas mal d'ailleurs !) et Adrien a meme reussi a se fracturer un poignet au surf !
Du coup, le dernier jour a ete devolu a un mini tour du Lac en famille : magnifique !
No snow this year for Christmas at Tahoe (3 meters last year at the same time of the year !)
That said, we had a great time and it was enough for Adrien to get a fracture to his wrist (arrrg !).
That said, we had a great time and it was enough for Adrien to get a fracture to his wrist (arrrg !).
No skying then on the last day, but rather a nice mini tour around the Lake all together. Great !
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