dimanche 21 juin 2009

Pool Party pour Martin !

Ce samedi, premier jour des vacances d'ete, Martin avait invite une dizaine de ses copains a la maison pour une Pool Party.
Papa au BBQ pour la preparation des hot dogs maison, Maman aux Cupcakes, Adrien a la sono ....
Une belle journee autour de la piscine ou India, Makena, Elina, Vincent, Raphael, Sophia, Ana Lucia, Nicolas, Victoria et Lily s'en sont donne a coeur joie autour de Martin !

This Saturday, first day of Summer Holidays, Martin had invited his friends at home for a pool party.

Dad cooking the hot dogs on the BBQ, Mum baking the cupcakes and Adrien preparing for the music on the deck ...
India, Makena, Elina, Vincent, Raphael, Sophia, Ana Lucia, Nicolas, Victoria and Lily obviously had great fun around the pool with Martin !

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